Tuesday, April 21, 2009

>> 20 hours left

I wish there was enough time in art students lives to sleep. I am working on my continuous drawing that I started at the beginning of this semester. So far I have put in around 80 hours into this one drawing. Here is what it looks like as of right now:
Its due on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - Cody's birthday.
Wish me luck.
AND... "No, I won't tell you your present."


Sunday, April 19, 2009

>>> lab

I found some old photos of past art.

and yes that's Katy T, my studio partner.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

> black and white

The day has been on its hands and knees crawling through the thorny bushes that is time. I feel as if it taunting me; torturing me into a whimsical patience. Although, despite my unnecessary complaints, I have actually enjoyed its lethargic nature. Yes, even surprising fo me. Yesterday and today have been a mad rush of too many things to list and today I am guessing is natures way of calming me down.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys: I am no longer going to be a pestimistic. From this day on, I want to live life to the fullest and experience the joy that is living. I am so blessed. I have a wonderful family, group of friends, love, in addition to the fact that I don't pay for school or housing or food just makes it even better. I have a great job and possibly another for the summer. I am looking forward to working hard for my money because I am becoming more responsible for myself. All this derived from one silly incident: a befriending on facebook. ;]

I love you

In the background of this picture is the 100 hour drawing I have been working on. I have around 72 hours and have to finish the other 30 hours by May 1st. I really like how it is turing out right now though. I will post pictures soon.


p.s. My entry for the Black and White show was selected. Here is what the instillation looks like:
The show is tonight at 5:30 in the Black Box Gallery!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

>> quiet, please

I made numerous collages today in attempt to rekindle my love. I missed collages and am now able to incorporate them into a new assignment for my advanced drawing class. Hopefully it will turn out like I imagined. You can click on the above images to see them larger.

- Marko