Thursday, February 18, 2010

work work work

building my grid.



Thursday, February 11, 2010


I now have my own studio space!

This is the right side. I am still cleaning.
This is the back.


(only spent an hour doing this)
(another hour)
new update

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

snow day

Overnight, a winter storm rolled into central AR and covered everything in a 7.2+ blanket of snow. I was truly surprised. As I was getting ready to leave Little Rock for Conway, I checked the internet to see if I had school. NOPE! It was the second snow day in two weeks!

So, Cody and I decided to do something out in the snow. We wanted to make the Easter Island heads, instead of a snowman.

We rolled the snow down his hill to make three large bundles. Later we would use these to pile on each other and make the form of our Easter Island, doubled-headed figure.

My side...

Cody's side...


Now, we are up for round two.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Barbara Jean's Window Instillation

Today I worked on the window instillation for Barbara Jean with Cody. He is in charge of doing the window and wanted to do something for Valentines day. At first, he wanted to do a simple painting of two cherubs flying in from both sides and aiming at the mannequins. So, he ask me to paint them. After one, I was not happy about doing another one. Reluctant to start on another naked baby with wings, I asked Cody if we could come up with compromise to his vision. I wanted to create one large cloud, made out of recycled materials, that the cherub was flying down from. The mannequins would be on the opposite side of this large cloud.

He said do it.

I started by making the clouds.

The structure is a cardboard like grid that is used in packaging. The tissue paper was collected at Forever 21, where I work - usually it all gets thrown away. Alex helped, too!

We were weving the tissue into the support, and taping the back. This was a very long process and after 2 hours - this was all that Alex and I had accomplished...

To save time, we would just have to hot-clue the tissue and coffee filters to the support. Cody and I worked on making one other strip like in the picutre above, after we finished the first one. Last night, Courtney and Erin, who work with me, came over to Cody's and we had drinks, pizza and worked on some more clouds.

Today, we actually got to be inside the window to install.

We started construction with the skeleton of the cloud. We used the same packaging material for this part of the installation.

Then we added, piece by piece, the collaged tissues sections to the skeleton.

We filled holes with white trash bags and bubble wrap. In order to give the cloud more luminosity, we added lights.

Last, we added the cherub and the mannequins. Return to see the finish look - I wanted to wait until it was dark to get a good overall picture.


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Been in the studio now for a long while!!!

These photos were the beginning of a new painting thats 8'x4' - however - I felt compelled to cover it completely. I was aching to do something different than my Flinches. I knew that narrative. And for some reason, I resorted back to these images in my head of children and homes.

So I did what I love best. Collage.

The collages were the inspiration I needed to create this new work that I am beyond obsessed with. So I had to start, right away.

I know its hard to look at, but it has completely changed from when it was started.
The sketch of the painting is to the right.
